Rabu, 30 November 2011

Bom Gereja di Solo

Bom ini terjadi di Gereja GBIS Kepunton Jalan Arief Rahman Hakim, Solo terjadi pada tanggal 25 September 2011 .
Bom ini terjadi pada saat selesai kebaktian di gereja tersebut .
Tiba tiba terjadi ledakan yang mengagetkan .
Bom ini diduga sebagai bom bunuh diri .
Korban adalah orang yang melakukan aksi pengeboman tersebut .
Wilayah tersebut diamankan oleh pihak polisi dengan pemasangan police line .
Korban telah dinyatakan tewas dengan isi perut yang keluar dan berceceran .
Bom ini telah melukai sedikitnya 19 orang, sebelas di antaranya luka parah dan satu orang tewas dan ialah tersangkanya .
Bom itu diselidiki oleh tim Desaster Victim Identification (DVI) Solo dan Semarang .

Ini gambar tersangakanya .. Seram ya ..

Semoga saja ia dapat diterima disisi Yang Maha Kuasa .
Dan segala dosanya diampuni .
Amin :)

Pesan saya :
if you have a problem try to overcome them will never give up all the problems you face.
Convince yourself that you're not the worst.
Find a solution to these problems should never try to find a shortcut.
We were only given one chance to live this well.
So use this valuable opportunity with the best of it.
Do something with maximum suppose we'll die today and give our time to someone else who needs a helping hand we like Mother Teresa who dedicated his life to the poor and the abandoned lepers in India also.
So make sure your life meaningful for others and a blessing to many people not become a stumbling block so that other people do not appreciate us.
Learn to look for the example of Jesus who loves humanity and sacrificed His life is very precious.
And one thing we need to remember to not hurt themselves and others.

Believe in yourself and you will never be wrong
GOD bLess ^^

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